Alexander Loos is a research engineer at the Audio-visual Systems group of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology (IDMT), Ilmenau, Germany. He studied computational engineering at the Ilmenau University of Technology and completed his studies with a diploma thesis entitled “Erweiterung von Verfahren zur Transkription von Solo-Parts in Musikstücken”.
In 2009 he joined the institute as a PhD student in the Audio-visual systems group. He is author of a number of scientific publications and worked in several industry projects and public funded research projects in the field of audio-visual fingerprinting, content-based image retrieval and face recognition. He is involved in the German research project SAISBECO and lead of the workpackage identification of Great Apes using face recognition.
His main research interests comprise image and video analysis, pattern recognition, face recognition, multimodal signal processing, and machine learning.